Board Chair, Wanda Eddy
On November 24, 2023 we held our Annual General Meeting where we elected a new Chair, appointed several new officers, and welcomed three new board members.
It is with great pleasure to announce that Wanda Eddy was elected Board Chair. Wanda is a long-time Lions Club member and has been on the Board for five years. She brings passion and experience, and we look forward with anticipation to her leadership.
Joining Wanda in new roles are Wendy Leong (Vice-Chair), Janet Carson (Secretary) and Alan Thomas (Treasurer). We would also like to welcome three new outstanding individuals to the Board: Neil Haley, Douglas Matthews, and Debbie Bostock. We are extremely excited about the new additions and makeup of the Board and look forward to a very productive 2024.
Sadly, we had to say goodbye to John Davies and Robert Dalton as official board members. Both gentleman had their term come to an end after six years of dedicated service. They contributed greatly to the organization, and both will be missed for their experience and passion. We owe a debt of gratitude and a sincere thank you to John and Robert for helping advance our mission.
The good news is John is now applying his passion with the Board at Easter Seals Canada and Robert has agreed to join an advisory committee to help with our Camp Shawnigan rebuild.
For a full list of our Board of Directors click here.

Top: Robert Dalton, Robin Woolmer, Douglas Matthews
Second row: Kirk Duff, Dana Siddle, Phil Doublet, Lisa Beck
Third row: Janet Carson, Sharon Hansen, Jeffrey Day, Alan Thomas, Neil Haley
Bottom row: Wendy Leong, Wanda Eddy, Marco Pasqua, Lois Budd
Not pictured: Debbie Bostock, Michael Cheng