coming together for Easter Seals
Information & Toolkits for Lions Clubs
Our Loyal Founders & Innovators
Since embarking on the vision of the BC Lions Society for Children with Disabilities in 1947, Lions Clubs have continued to be an integral and formidable supporter for children and adults with disabilities. Over these many decades, Lions Clubs have continued to support the Society with their incredible fundraising, events and time volunteering at our camps – and for that, we thank you!
Lions Den
The Lions Den is a quarterly publication celebrating the fantastic work of our Lions Club. Check out our latest newsletter below, highlighting some of the fantastic Lions Clubs’ activities throughout the year and let us know if you have stories from your Lions Club that you’d like to see in future issues!
Working Together to Help Persons with Disabilities
Lions Club Events
Take a look at some of the Lions Clubs who are helping Easter Seals.
In The News
Find out the latest news and updates on what’s happening at Easter Seals.
Fundraising Ideas
Check out these ideas and tips to help you put on your fundraising event.
Promoting Your Event
Here are some tips and ideas to help you promote your event.
Sign Up For Our e-Newsletter
Get Easter Seals news and updates on Lions Club events sent right to your inbox.
Become A Member
Get more involved with Easter Seals when you become an annual member.
Contact Us
Easter Seals is here to help you!
For information on the Lions Club, please e-mail or call toll free 1.888.868.2822
Easter Seals Handouts – What to Say About Us
There are so many messages and information you can share on why fundraising for children and adults with disabilities is so important. To make it easy, we have compiled a list of information and messages to help you. Click on the links below for handouts you can share.
Lions Club Events & Happenings
Vancouver East Lions Club – ‘Our Founders’
Congratulations to our Lions Community Board Member, Michael Cheng, who was recently installed as the President of the Vancouver East Lions Club – the Lions Club that started it all, 75 years ago!! During the dinner, the BC Lions Society was also presented with a cheque for $5,000 from the Vancouver East Lions Club.
And it didn’t stop there! At the start of the evening, the Vancouver Legacy Lions Club gave $500 to the Lions Superhero 19A Drop Zone Team, and later in the evening, Fred Lackmance, our very own Drop Zone Superhero, won a $50 cash raffle prize and so graciously donated it to his 19A Superhero Team. They are very close to reaching their goal of raising $5,000!
Drop Zone September 2022
Thank You Lions Superheroes
On September 9th, Linda Li, Dave Weightman, Vince Moule, Fredrick Lackmance and John Gunson, all became superheroes for the day and took part in Drop Zone Vancouver, our annual dare-devil fundraiser for the bravest of supporters. It was also great to see Easter Seals Lion Community Board Members Sharon Hansen and Michael Cheng come out and cheer them on! Thank you, Lions for making the day such a resounding success.
Larry Schrodt Memorial Award
Recognize a Lion who’s made a difference
Ask anyone who has received a Larry Schrodt Memorial Award and they will say it was one of the most meaningful awards they’ve received. It’s an award that recognizes Lions who have made a difference in the life of a child. Children with disabilities and special needs are close to our hearts, and so this award was specially created as a way to honour those who work on their behalf, in the name of a very special Lion, PID Larry Schrodt.
Easter Seals News
Easter Seals Summer Camps
Overnight Camps Were Back for Summer 2022
“Vaughn just absolutely LOVED it – from start to finish (including the ferry and bus rides). He was absolutely thrilled with his experience at Camp Winfield. We were just so grateful for all the work and effort that went into the pivot to make this opportunity happen. It’s so wonderful how far he has come and how this continues to be a highlight of his year.”
~ mom, Janice
Easter Seals House
Easter Seals House is now open for respite stays
Families of children and adults with diverse abilities often require a number of services to enhance the health, well-being and life quality of their child and family. Respite care is one such service.
Most families with children need help from time to time to care for their children while they take care of household chores, go to appointments, or to just take a break for their own self-care. To help these families, we’re happy to announce that Easter Seals House is now open for respite stays.
We’re Here To Help With Fundraising Tips and Ideas
There are many ways to fundraise for Easter Seals and make a difference in the lives of people with diverse abilities, and we’re here to help you every step of the way. Below are ideas and fundraising strategies to help you get started and engage your community. Contact your Easter Seals representative, Shannon, at, or call 1-250-370-0518 or toll free at 1-888-868-2822, for anything you need.
Paper Shredding
Bottle Drive
Christmas Tree Recycling
Virtual Wine Survivor
Virtual Quiz
Garage Sale
Promoting Your Fundraising Event
Social Media
Connect with us on your social media channels to share pictures and stories from your preparation and event! When posting include our handle @eastersealsbcy, so we can see what you’re doing!
Make a Facebook event that includes all the details your guests will need. Tag official pages of companies, organizations, media and special guests that are associated with your event. Forward the event to as many friends and local community groups as possible, with a pleasant “ASK” that they forward to their contacts.
Post a countdown on Instagram Stories. The countdown sticker lets you set an end date and time. You can also customize the name and colour of the clock. It’s a great tool to remind people of your upcoming event.
Post photos of your event as it unfolds. Photos are a great way to tell your story and remind people of your event.
Tweet your event details before the event and the day of. Live tweeting your event is also a way to engage your community in real time.
#eastersealsbcy #lionsclubsforeasterseals #helpingkidswithdisabilities
eastersealscampshawnigan #eastersealscampsquamish #eastersealscampwinfield #eastersealscamps
Social Media Example
Local Community Media
Contact your local newspapers and radio station to help promote the event. Most newspapers and radio stations also have free event listings on their websites that you can add your event to.
Posters & Flyers
Create a poster or flyer that you can put in local businesses and community centres, and/or hand out to homes in your area.
Here is an example of one created for the Paper Shredding event.
Poster & Flyer Example
These logos are intended for the use of BC and Yukon Lions Clubs, by agreement. The logos are to be used together, and only with permission of Easter Seals BC/Yukon.
To use a logo, right click the logo image below to save the file to your device.
Vertical Combined Logo
Horizontal Combined Logo
Single Easter Seals Logo
Single Society Logo