
Because of you, we have some amazing stories to tell about our
children, youth, adults and their families and how they’ve championed.

The History of the Shawnigan Lake Lion

The History of the Shawnigan Lake Lion

Have you met our Shawnigan Lion? Bet you didn’t know he’s nearly 100 years old! You may assume this regal […]
The Power of a Great Mom

The Power of a Great Mom

At Easter Seals, we see the power of mom in camper’s like Balraj. When you’ve been cheered on, loved, accepted, […]
Randy’s Story

Randy’s Story

Easter Seals House removes the worry of where to stay when there are so many other concerns to take care […]
Joe Coughlin: A Camper, A Timmy, An Award Winning Singer

Joe Coughlin: A Camper, A Timmy, An Award Winning Singer

Joe was born semi-paralyzed on his right side and spent his childhood on crutches, and today is in a motorized […]
Callum’s Story

Callum’s Story

For some guests, they have to travel 2400km to meet their medical needs. And when they do, Easter Seals House […]
The Magic of Summer Camp

The Magic of Summer Camp

For parents of a child with a disability, caregiving can be 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It’s […]

Have your own story to share about your experience?
Please email info@eastersealsbcy.ca